Speakers: Helen Callanan SC, Oisín Quinn SC and Katherine McVeigh BL
Topic: Recent updates in Employment Law, including the upcoming amendments to the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 and recent caselaw, the issue of an employer using text messages and other private materials in investigations against an employee.
The third EBA Podcast can be found here.
• Protected Disclosures Act 2014 • Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Heads of Bill only) • EU Directive 2019/1937 • Article 8 European Convention on Human Rights • Baranya v Rosderra Irish Meats Group Limited [2020] IEHC 56 • Conway v Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine [2020] IEHC 665 • Barbalescu v Romania [2017] ECHR 742 • Garamukanwa v UK (70573/17) [2019] 6 WLUK 109 • BC v Chief Constable of Police Service of Scotland [2019] CSIH 61 • Náisiunta Leictreacht (NECI) -v- Labour Court & ors [2021] IESC 36 • Power v HSE [2021] IEHC 346